Monmouth Waldbronn Twinning Association (henceforth known as we or us) treats your privacy rights seriously. This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which we collect and use personal data about you.

Who is responsible for the data we collect about you

We are the data controller for the purposes of data protection law, in respect of your personal data collected and used by us.

The personal data we collect about you

When you join Monmouth Waldbronn Twinning Association you will be asked to provide certain information. This includes:
• your name
• home address
• email address
• telephone number
All the information collected is obtained directly from you. This is usually at the point of your initial registration. The information will be collected via membership forms or online contact forms. The lawful basis for collecting and storing your information is due to the contractual relationship that you, as a member, have with the Monmouth Waldbronn Twinning Association. In order to inform you about the activities and events that you can access as a member we need to store and process a certain amount of personal data.

How we will use it

We use your personal information:
• For administration, planning and management of our association
• To communicate with you about activities
• To monitor, develop and improve visits and exchanges

Your membership data is stored in a secure, password protected file.
We will send you messages by email, post, other digital methods and telephone to advise you of relevant news.
Sometimes photographs may be included in the newsletter or our website and members will be asked for consent. A member may at any time withdraw their consent by contacting

Who we may disclose it to

We may disclose information about you, including your personal information
• Internally – to committee members – as required to facilitate your participation in our events

• Externally – to our colleagues in Waldbronn when organising visits and exchanges.

• If we have a statutory duty to disclose it for legal and/or regulatory reasons. In this instance we will seek to obtain your consent. Information would be shared without consent where there were serious safety concerns and it was felt to be in your or the association’s best interests to disclose information

Retention of Your Information

Personal information is retained for a maximum of 15 months or until membership is renewed.


A cookie is a snippet of text that is sent from the website server and stored on a web browser. Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences, and generally improving your experience of a website. Cookies make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier.
If you are uncomfortable with the use of cookies, you can disable them on your computer by changing the settings in the preferences or options menu in your browser (see below).

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to allow us to look at really useful data about the visitors we have had to our website. Google Analytics also uses cookies, to learn more see: google privacy policy

Managing Cookies

For information on how to manage your cookie settings please follow the link for your browser:

Microsoft Edge


Mozilla Firefox


For other browsers and mobile devices we recommend you use a search engine and enter “how to change cookie settings in [browser/device name]”.

Your rights and choices in relation to your personal data

To ensure the information we hold is accurate and up to date, members need to inform the association as to any changes to their personal information. You can do this by e-mail: or write to the membership secretary. On an annual basis you will have the opportunity to update your information, as required, via the membership renewal process.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or your rights with respect to your personal data, please contact us by e-mail: or write to the membership secretary.

Changes to our Policy

We may update or amend our Privacy Policy from time to time, and changes will be notified to members through the monthly bulletin and posted on the website.

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